Leire Mijangos Treviño

Leire Mijangos Treviño

Puesto de trabajo

Post-doctoral researcher in the analytical chemistry department in the faculty of science and technology.

Formakuntza eta ibilbidea
Formación y trayectoria

In 2014, after finishing the degree in chemistry I was awarded with a grand of one year offered by Iberdrola foundation for a postgraduate masters “Master Scholarships for Energy and Environment in Spain”. I enrolled in the master’s degree in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology at the UPV/EHU. For my master thesis I joined the IBeA research group of the Analytical Chemistry Department (UPV/EHU). I collaborated with a PhD student helping her with the determination of endocrine disruptors in vegetables and soil. The 1st of January of 2015, I started my doctoral thesis work with the help of a grant awarded by the Basque Government. During my PhD, I spent 6 months in the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig (Germany), in the department of effect-directed-analysis This stay was helpful to learn how to identify the most ecotoxicologicaly relevance emerging compounds in aqueous samples by using the non-target analysis. The 14th of December of 2018, I presented and defended my PhD entitled “Integrated assessment of the presence of emerging compounds and their toxicological effects in estuaries of Biscay”. The thesis obtained a mark of Excellent with Cum Laude and International PhD mentions. The main objective of the thesis was to get a close insight about the impact of emerging compounds in estuarine waters and the contribution of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents of Biscay in the observed effects. For that purpose, an appropriate set of multiresidue analytical methodologies were established for aqueous (estuary, marine and effluent) and biota (mussel, fish muscle, liver, brain, gills, bile and plasma) samples. For the water analysis passive sampling was also developed. All this mentioned methods were applied in a year monitoring study of the three main estuaries and WWTP of Biscay. In addition to this, we were able to implement a sea urchin embryo test bioassay as the way to drive the non-targeted analysis and to identify the main toxic emerging contaminants in a WWTP effluent.

Bokazioa / motibazioa
Vocación / motivación

I want to challenge myself, push myself to new heights, and of course achieve a deeper level in environmental chemistry.

Ikerketa-taldea eta ikerketa-lerroak
Grupo de investigación y líneas de investigación

IBEA research groups. We work in heritage and environmental chemistry.

I am involved in providing methodological and technological tools to assess the impact of emerging contaminants in marine organisms and consumer safety.

Alderdi aipagarriak
Aspectos destacables

Related to my work eight articles have been published and two bachelor theses have proposed and supervised. I would like to highlight the international research mobility to the Department of effect-directed-analysis in the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig (Germany).

Etorkizunari begira…
Mirando al futuro…

I would like to continue learning and especially I would like to focus in the non-targeted analysis of emerging pollutants in different relevant matrixes as plasma and urine, which could help to understand better the exposure that humans are suffering to the different xenobiotic compounds.