Tamara Dancheva

Tamara Dancheva

Puesto de trabajo

Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Engineering at the ​ Faculty of computer science and engineering, Ss.Cyril and Methodius (Skopje, North Macedonia),  Master Degree in Computational Engineering at the University of Strasbourg, Faculty of physics and engineering (Strasbourg, France)

Bokazioa / motibazioa
Vocación / motivación

My favorite, most exciting part of my job is learning new things over and over, filling the gaps between different knowledge areas from a small scale to a large scale, and making new connections. Finally, the joy of overcoming a challenge and making a contribution fulfills me and fuels my resolve for facing the next challenge.

Ikerketa-taldea eta ikerketa-lerroak
Grupo de investigación y líneas de investigación

I am working with my supervior at BCAM and my supervisors at UPV/EHU. I am collaborating closely with other members of the ENABLE project. My focus is on setting up and optimizing an HPC environment and the development and implementation of computational methods for the models developed in the project. 

Alderdi aipagarriak
Aspectos destacables

I am very grateful for all the cross-disciplinary training that I have received through various workshops as well as in person during my secondments. I believe that this knowledge has been extremely beneficial for me and at the same time, it has helped me better contribute to the project.

Europako proiektuak
Proyectos europeos

In my thesis, I focus on developing and optimization of computational methods for the theory that Raffaele is developing in his project in the open source FEM platform FEniCS and other external tools that aid us in implementing the material model and perform mesh adaptation. Simultaneously, I am working on setting up and optimizing an HPC environment for running these simulations on a large scale.

Etorkizunari begira…
Mirando al futuro…

I would like to stay in the world of research, on the interface between sciences, more specifically, computer science and physical sciences.